MORNING THOUGHTS ☕️: Some mornings, I have SO many thoughts going’s hard to know what to write about.
I think today, I’ll choose this:
LEGACY: anything handed down from the past.
I’ve been thinking about this a lot lately. When you lose people you think about things in new ways. It makes you REALLY, REALLY consider where you spend/INVEST your time. You look at what really REMAINS. What gets inherited? What legacy was left? Where was the most impact made?
I can tell you, from what I’m observing, the greatest impact is from sitting face to face, belly to belly, kitchen table conversations, deep relationship, loving well the ones in your midst.
It’s not a snappy Instagram reel (oh my gosh, how much time are y’all spending making those!?!), a clever post, a course written, a conference you speak at. Although some do touch the masses...I’ll still bet you the GREATEST FRUIT that remains will be deposited in the few they really, really sit with and know and love and do life with. I’ll bet you the lasting, multiplying, ripple effect legacy happens way more in the small pockets then the big. We want the big. We think more is better. We want to share with and reach as many people as possible. I’m beginning to wonder if it’s more futile than not. If this capability through technology and social media is actually watering down and distracting us from more and more kitchen table conversations and one on one time with the people right in front of our faces.
Anyway. That’s what I’m pondering this morning. For myself. What are you’re thoughts on this?
Love you all. xox.eb
Love this E! Thanks so much for sharing this with me.
I have put aside the thought of being a sought after conference speaker. Instead, I have realized that it is all about relationship; first and foremost with God, secondly, with all those that He puts in my life. Some may be for a moment, a season, or a lifetime but nonetheless, He created us for intimate interaction.
Is this your blog?? I’m so happy to see this!! 💙