MORNING THOUGHTS ☕️: Morning sunshine’s! Well, I’m off this morning to have the HIDA scan to see what’s going on, if anything, with my gallbladder. Oh, the joy:). Prayers welcomed!!
But first…up early to start my day with a cup of coffee and a cup of TRUTH.
Still in Song of Songs.
I love how the shulamite woman says out loud the things she thinks about herself that aren’t so great. She’s honest before the King.
But even more, I LOVE that his response is always how HE sees her. Because no matter how we feel, what he says stands true. Lovely one. Radiant one. Beautiful one. My darling.
My dearest one, let ME tell you how I see you. - 1:9
He’s the source to go to for defintion. Not our friends, parents, teachers, co-workers, spouses, children, pastors, strangers. Nope. HIM. He designed you. Let Him define you.
P.S. I am lettering this scripture and sending it out to some grads. What a reminder for them at this season of life. Reach out if you want one!
Thank you Elizabeth. I loved your take on this scripture. We often need to be reminded that how others might see us does not define us. I am a beloved child of God, the grateful daughter of a King named Jesus and a strong woman of faith. I would love to have a copy of that lettered scripture. Also, I will be praying for your health situation. God bless you always.
Cindy Smith
Is this in your Etsy shop?