I’m sitting on my front porch…fully available and fully present to just BE with my girl. To linger. To listen. To talk. To share. To drink just one more cup of coffee. I’m thinking how…IF I’d added MORE to MY plate right now…for whatever “payoff” it would give me or space it would fill…I would not be FULLY available for so many of the moments. Moments with my children. My in-laws. My husband. My friends. My fam. They’d all get a piece of me but not all of me. And…the older I get and the more time I spend simply sitting on this porch and pondering…the more I realize that this IS the stuff to fill our plates with. I can’t think of one thing I’d trade it for or put a higher level of importance on. I guess my point is to be careful and mighty, mighty vigilant about what you allow to steal your time from the things most valuable. That’s all. #porchponderings
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Boy, do I need this. I’m currently in Uruguay 🇺🇾 with my daughter’s family--celebrating my first granddaughter’s baptism and birthday--while trying to maintain my podcast, etc......I’m really struggling, wondering if all the time I spend on “platform” and social media stuff is really what I should be doing. I appreciate your lingering and pondering and want to hear all you have to say. Thank you!!!!! Janell
Love that girl!