I had a dentist appointment yesterday morning…just a general cleaning and such. At one point, when my hygienist was working in my mouth, she said to me:
“I know the sound is loud…and it’s like 100 times louder because it’s in your head.”
As soon as she said it, I realized how powerful that statement was.
Sounds. Voices. Lies. False beliefs.
When they are “in our head” they can sound 100 times louder. This is why the enemy wants you to keep them IN. He wants shame and unbelief and anxiety and worry to keep you from speaking out what’s in your head…because, if he can keep it THERE, he can keep you in bondage.
If you speak it OUTLOUD or to someone, you’ll notice that it will instantly lose its power. It won’t sound as “loud”. As a matter of fact, it will sound kind of weak and flimsy. You’ll begin to see the holes in it. Saying it out loud calls it out for the lie it is.
Don’t let the enemy sound loud in your head. Expose him and the thought for what it is.