MORNING THOUGHTS ☕️: Still in Galatians 6. The title of this chapter is “Carry Each Other’s Burdens.”
We talked about this in our small group (ShopTalk) yesterday. Listen to this:
LOVE EMPOWERS US TO FULFILL THE LAW OF THE ANOINTED ONE as we carry each other’s troubles.
One of the things I’ve observed over the last few years is that where there is intimacy, honesty, and transparency…burden bearing for each other goes to a whole new level.
We gather two times a month…in a small group…and yet, the TRUE intimacy as I have seen, is happening around kitchen tables sharing meals…sitting on the couch having coffee with one another…making an INTENTIONAL effort to do LIFE together and to KNOW each other so trust is formed.
When we open ourselves up to being honest with ourselves, being honest with the Lord, and then being honest with each other…transformation can happen.
We need each other.
I believe the level of intimacy needed for true burden bearing and intimacy cannot happen at a once a week church service or a once a month meeting. Many are not comfortable or willing to share the hard details of their lives in those situations.
Set a table. Break bread. Get closer. Drink coffee. Ask questions. Discuss life. Then do it again. And again. And again. Then start going deeper. Start asking harder questions. Start sharing more intimate details of your life.
Watch what happens.
I promise you, it won’t happen without EFFORT, sacrifice, intention, vulnerability, give and take, and time.
A quick service on Sunday won’t touch it.
I wish somebody would write a book like “Art of carrying each other’s burdens” :)
I tempt to get burnt out especially with those who never have a breakthrough. I found myself avoiding those people, and I don’t like to avoid people.
Thank you for risk taking, being vulnerable, being open…