Morning Sunshines! Happy Friday. So…I’ve been in the Book of John for the past few weeks. Shew…so much goodness in there.
I’m starting to go BACK through to see some things I’ve highlighted and written in the margins.
Right out of the gate in the introduction I read this:
“LOVE unlocks mysteries. As we love Jesus, our hearts are unlocked to SEE more of HIS beauty and glory.”
Are things a mystery to you? Fall in love. With Jesus. Not your preacher. Not your friend. Not your therapist. Jesus. Now…clearly I’m not saying not to love those people snd so many others. I am saying that listening to a preacher on Sunday isn’t all you need.
You could listen to Keith and I talk about our children all day long. You may learn more about them. You may feel a connection to them. But…you won’t fall in love with them unless you spend time with them and really get to know them.
Same holds true with Jesus.
Want your heart unlocked? Want to SEE more? Need some keys to open up places and mysteries you’ll never access through intellect and reasoning?
Love Jesus.
The end.
P.S. Rooster pic in honor of Willis, our new rooster…who’s had me up since 5am.
😘 love to you today!
Of course! 😘