MORNING THOUGHTS ☕️: Still on it y’all…yup…Galatians 6 from yesterday.
AFFIRM: to confirm or ratify. To support by giving recognition or approval to.
Man oh man. Did I want that approval FROM man. I honestly didn’t know where to seek…so I sought in wrong places. Hard work and pats on the back and then even harder work to go to the top resulted in burnout and not knowing who I TRULY WAS even more. It never led to clarity of ME. Only God can provide that and we sure can’t find him when we’re running around 90 to nothing trying to prove ourselves to everyone else.
It’s a recipe for disaster. And when I go back and re-read that definition I think…hmmm…there can also be an issue there. We can swing way over to the other side and work super hard trying to gain God’s approval. Oh, I’ve done that, too. I left business for ministry and found myself still seeking approval from man…and now, God…which was a double recipe for disaster.
Only through being still and tucked away and quiet and unable to “perform” or do a single dang thing up on a mountain in the woods…did I have the space and time to LISTEN to the Lord and let EVERYTHING fall away. It’s like shedding skin.
It’s not fun to lay down everything you’ve used to identify yourself by or gain affirmations from. I pray you never have to go to that extreme. But, if you do, if it’s asked of you, DO IT. Honestly, our very lives depend on it.
P.S just found this quote and that it was so applicable:
"Opinions of man are worthless. Word of God is priceless". Bob Jones
So, I think your morning thoughts are amazing and life giving!
But… we do need affirmation from others in a healthy way.