Still on my thoughts from yesterday. Do I believe goals are bad? Heck no. Do I believe we can worship those goals and our ability to achieve them in our own strength more than we put our trust in the lord and HIS strength? Heck yes.
Co-laboring with the Lord can involve goals.
My point is that setting our own goals and become so laser focused on the big things that we miss the little things around us can steal (guess who steals) our joy, our peace, our ability to simply BE in the moment and fully present with the people we love.
I’m not writing theory. I’m sharing truth.
I lived it.
Over and over and over each month. Setting those goals. Working that plan. Aiming for the sky. Climbing that ladder. Hitting those ranks.
If I could go back and talk to that over-achieving girl … I would tell her to slow down, take it all in, rest more, don’t be so driven, enjoy the journey, BE present with the ones around you, and spend more time with your people. I would NOT tell her to dream bigger, go faster, or work harder.
But hey…that’s just me:)
“ But hey…that’s just me:)”. I am sooo glad that is just you!