That was my thought as I went to bed last night. Katherine is home for a few days 🙌🏻 and I went to bed so happy that all my kids are here and under one roof. As parents, that makes us feel safer somehow. But quickly, this morning, I realized that “my roof” is sooooo small and limited compared to “his roof.” When they are under our roof, we somehow have a false sense of belief that we have more control over their safety and their future. (’s not our to control in the first place.) But it’s under HIS ROOF that I want my children to dwell. It’s kind of like the vegetable garden I can water by hand in Deut 11 versus the land of milk and honey that HIS eyes are on day and night. The vegetable garden I have control over. But it’s small and I have to keep it up in my own strength. The land of milk and honey HE watches over and HE takes care of. I want to ... and I want my children in HIS LAND and not our own. When we dwell in the SHELTER of the Most High, the tiny footprint of our physical roofs is not longer the boundary of our lives.