PRACTICAL: sensible, feasible, possible, rational, pragmatic.
I mentioned yesterday that the move to our little cottage was practical. It was. We’d been renting on the mountain…knew we wanted to STAY on the mountain…knew we could NOT afford the lodge (where we are now) and that friends were selling this little cutie patootie house that would “make sense.”
It wasn’t a dream house. It was TINY for us. 1200-1400 square feet I think? I was so worried about my furniture fitting and all the things.
But. We sold things. Downsized. Kept our fave pieces. Remodeled. And ended up falling IN LOVE with small.
But that’s not the point of my thought. My thought is, that years later, all that unfolded would have never unfolded if we had not taken a PRACTICAL step first.
The practical unlocked the spiritual.
Our friends wouldn’t be where they are and we wouldn’t be where we are.
Sometimes God uses practical stuff…sometimes spiritual. It doesn’t really matter. He uses it all for good for those who love him.
Anyway. Have a great long weekend celebrating FREEDOM…which, as we know, is never free. Sometimes, people have taken practical steps before us to ensure our freedom, and sometimes people have taken spiritual steps before us to ensure our freedom. I’m going to really reflect on that this weekend with so much gratitude.
Love you.