Mornin’ Sunshines! Here’s my thought for you today:
We cannot ever forget that our purpose is NEVER rooted in what we do but in who we are becoming.
Our main purpose is intimacy and relationship with our Creator. It’s only from that place that we begin to learn our design.
I think it’s so crazy how we read the books, take the personality tests, go to counselors, seek OUT THERE how we are wired and what we are made for when the TRUE solution is to go to the one who wired us in the first place.
Oh believe me…I did it. All the time. Looked outward. When, in truth, it’s inward. He knit us together in the secret place. Secret huh!? That means only the seekers will find it.
We MUST stop looking to others and we MUST be still and get into relationship … this key will open the door to more understanding about ourselves than any book or test or counselor or coach EVER could.
Love you.
Purpose vs design ♥️