MORNING THOUGHTS ☕️: Mothers and Fathers do NOT get paid to mother and father.
It’s not a “career path” or a ministry to be funded.
In fact, as any parent well knows…to be a mother and a father can often feel like a thankless job.
We love. We give. We nurture. We provide for. We pour into. We cry over. We walk with. We talk with. We are there when it’s hard and we are there when it’s good.
We don’t LOOK for repayment…we are compelled by LOVE to simply BE mothers and fathers. This world and all that it deems important and right … has IMPOSED it’s ways and crept into to the body of Christ and created a belief system that we should get paid to be the hands and feet and heart and mouth and love of Jesus.
Parents don’t get paid to carry and birth. Only surrogates do. A surrogate by definition is a “substitute”. I believe we are substituting real, true, belly to belly, kitchen table conversations and couch sitting cries and front porch connections with time spent else where. Time spent doing things that create funds and bring in numbers.
What we need are mothers and fathers to be done with that and stand up and the sit down WITH this generation we have been asked to love and steward on the earth NOW.
I’ve been thinking about this so much lately…so clearly, I’ll have more thoughts on it tomorrow.
Here here!
Hey little mama!! 😘😘