I was having an Instagram convo with a friend yesterday. She’d added in the offering of a subscription service and within a few weeks, realized that even though people WANTED it, it was taking her away from her MAIN THING. So. She stopped it. Quickly.
I applauded her.
We talked about how, in todays world, there’s always something being added in or offered or that we can do/think we should do. If we’re not careful, we can get sucked into offering more than we are called to and more than has been asked of us.
Just. Because. We. Can.
Just. Because. People. Want. It.
The word coming to mind this morning is navigate.
Navigate: to find one’s way in. To ascertain.
We MUST learn to navigate the noisy and wavy waters of today. We must discern our correct course and best means of travel. Otherwise, those waves…they gonna toss us to and fro like a rag doll.
Remember: just because it’s good or the thing going on now, doesn’t mean it’s for you or that you need to add it to your plate.
Let’s pray and press in to discern the path for ourselves and NOT look to others or offerings to discover it.
S T R O N G.
That’s right.