After opening up my emails this morning (haha I realize the irony that I’m sending you this via e-mail:) …I thought this would be a good reminder for all of us. Here’s what the MAJORITY of my in-box was:
Don’t miss out!
Act fast!
Limited spots!
Your lucky day!
Final call!
Get it now before it’s gone!
Life-changing opportunity!
Bom. Bard. Ed.
Then. I stepped into my kitchen. Quiet. Peaceful. Doors open. Wind chimes playing. Roosters + chickens clucking and crowing:).
And. I reminded myself.
There’s JOY in saying no, in missing out, in being a VIGILANT GUARD as to what we allow in or let grab our attention. There’s joy in creating space … physically + emotionally…by not being sucked in to all this world is offering.
This weekend…practice it. And watch. Watch how often stuff tries to creep in and grab your attention. Then…repeat after me: JOMO. And then carry on.
Love you.
Beat it FOMO.
Ha! Right before I opened this I read a “this is your last chance” email...delete.