MORNING THOUGHTS ☕️: Y’all, my morning thought this morning was coming out more like a rant:)…so, I’m gonna let it simmer. I read it to Keith and he was like “yeah…you better sit with this one a bit.” 😂And so, I will pause. What good is a rant without some answers!?! Actually, that comment kind of goes along with what I’m feeling. There’s a lot of ranting going on but not a lot of personal responsibility regarding what we’ve been entrusted with and how we’ve been asked to steward it.
I guess, for now, I’ll simply share a fave quote from my girlfriend Erin:
“Play stupid games, get stupid prizes.”
We’ve been playing a stupid game. And now, the prizes are showing up and we’re like huh!?!
The game of this world and the rules it says you and I must play by and us saying “ok, yeah, deal me in” … has gotten us where we now are.
Anyway, see, I wasn’t supposed to write anything on this and yet, I went there a little.
Gonna sit and pause…ponder, grab another cup of coffee, and perhaps, write some more for tomorrow.
Love you all.
I’m glad you didn’t go there… ❤️❤️
I heard, yesterday, “The enemy is INSIDE the house.” I often check the doors at night to be sure everything is secure. But, sometimes, the enemy is INSIDE…not outside. I’m pretty sure that was meant for me, personally, but maybe it fits with what you’re feeling too.