MORNING THOUGHTS ☕️: I found this scripture yesterday…researching after my thought of how we are really being prepared for weakness, not greatness.
It’s not a popular opinion. Weakness. I mean…EVERYTHING in the world is preparing us and pointing us towards GREATNESS.
Be the best! Work hard! Be strong!
The mindset of many is that ‘God is preparing me for greatness and a platform so that I CAN reach MANY for God.’ Been there.
I dare say, that in our weakness, more people see the POWER of God and His hand than when we’re rockin’ along all strong and great.
And then…after someone commented about the strength of Paul and Moses and Abraham and David…I set out (and will still be today) to look into and study scripture around this concept of WEAKNESS.
This one gets me BIG TIME:
Paul is talking to the Corinthians and says
For my weakness becomes a PORTAL to God’s Power. - 2 Cor 12:10 (TPT)
Are you even kidding me??!
Portal: a door, a gate, an entrance.
You see, when we go with the world’s ways and try to be strong, do everything in our own strength, avoid weakness at ALL COSTS, have it all together, know all the answers, try to stay in CONTROL so everyone around me is ALL GOOD and comfortable and not experiencing pain…
If that’s even possible. That wording may not be these best, but you get the picture.
In my WEAKNESS and trials and tribulations and neediness and inability to DO THE THING…I am more likely to TURN to God and cry out. Now we’re talking! Now he has a portal and an open door through which to display, show up, and showcase His power.
When I am WEAK, He is STRONG.
Wonder how many never experience HIS STRONG HAND because they are too busy trying to be strong themselves?!
Just a thought.
Love you all and hope you have the best weekend ever!
Yep! our weakness is the key to His kingdom. 🙌
Upside down world.