I’ll be honest. I’d like to sit on my porch, listen to the birds and keep my mouth SHUT over the next few months. We all see that anyone who speaks up right now puts themself in the line of fire.
There are things I know I’m supposed to write and say. And, at the end of the day, I have to answer to God, not man. None of this is comfortable, but I don’t think we are called to be comfortable.
On Sunday, I asked the Lord what I should write on this week. I instantly and clearly heard the word:
Preparedness: Bring properly expectant, organized and equipped. A state of readiness, especially for war.
I’ve written and deleted multiple posts, because I honestly don’t know how much or little to say about this.
And so, while I’m not a doomsday prepper, I do believe there are many ways we need to be prepared for the days to come.
For now…simply ask the Lord what this means for you and your family. He’s a highly personal God with highly personal answers.
Our country is in terrible shape. I still don’t know how anybody can deny that.
Preparedness simply feels like wisdom to me.