MORNING THOUGHTS ☕️: Katherine was in the yard this morning and I said “hey, pull up those little weeds while you’re standing there!” And then, we both agreed that weed pulling is super satisfying, especially the ones that snatch right out and don’t have deep roots.
It got me thinking. You and I have weeds to pull up all the time. If we don’t tend to “our gardens”, weeds come in and choke out the life.
Most of the weeds are just little bothersome things that don’t have deep roots. A little hurt feeling. A little unforgiveness. A little offense. A little thing we shouldn’t have said. We can do daily work to tend to those through asking for forgiveness or releasing and blessing.
But then. There’s those dang weeds that have taken root down DEEP. You know the ones. When I come across these in the yard, I usually have to call in reinforcement: “Keith! Bring me the shovel or those clipper thingies! I can’t pull this one out by hand!”
In those instances, it often takes a TOOL, and perhaps even the help of another person. We have to plant our feet firm, put our back into it, and work to get that thing out including the roots. Because you know as well as I do that if we don’t get the root, it’s just going to come back again…and this time, even stronger.
We could talk for hours on end about weed pulling…but, for sake of time, this morning I simply want to say: tend to your garden on the daily. Pull up those pesky little weeds before they take deep root. Pray for the Lord to keep the soil of your heart SOFT so they come out easily.
It’s the deep ones that hurt the most coming out, but then the pain is gone!