I want to unpack yesterday’s post some more this week. I feel it’s important.
PURPOSE: the reason for which something exists.
Is it any wonder we’re frustrated!?! How much ACTUAL TIME do you think we spend on our purpose (intimacy and relationship with God) on any given day? Instead of BEING with the One who created us…getting to know Him…enjoying the fellowship for which we were made…we spend our days chasing anything but relationship. Occupied with life’s challenges and creative avoidances, we end our days, perhaps, feeling less than fulfilled. Less-than-fulfilled causes a hurting world to FILL up on anything. Careers, self, addictions, projects, others, over spending, over doing…you name it. It simply CANNOT BE as simple as being still and getting to know and be known. But. It. is.
Nothing will bring you + me more joy and fulfillment and fullness than being known and knowing Him. I do not mean knowing OF him or even believing IN him. No. I mean KNOWING. That can only come through time spent together.
Let’s stop evading our God-Given purpose by running around chasing things that are fleeting and, at the end of the day, do not matter. Let’s get BACK TO BASICS and to the foundational truth that we were made for relationship. I know it can be way scarier than filling the hole with intangibles…but I PROMISE YOU…that hole will begin to get smaller and smaller and you will begin to feel more and more like the YOU you actually are.
I love you.