MORNING THOUGHTS ☕️: As a coach, I used to always say that “questions cause the mind to ponder…and better framed questions are even better.”
So…I thought I’d wrap up our week talking about alignment and being out of joint with some questions for us to ponder. I know that I’M going to be doing so for sure.
Are there places in my life that just feel off or out of joint? Can I identify them?
Where has my “walk” been hindered?
Do I have areas where I KNOW I am out of order? Marriage? Family? Career? God?
What are the SYMPTOMS that I’m experiencing that point to the fact that something is off or out of joint?
Have I been treating or trying to manage the symptoms instead of discovering the ROOT cause? For how long have I been doing this?
If I don’t know what the root is, and I’m stuck in a cycle, is there anyone I can go to or talk to that might be able to help me identify it?
Once I discover this ROOT cause…am I ready to CUT IT OFF at the root?
What can I then put in place to assure that I move forward in a healthy way? Who can help me learn to walk this new walk? Who has already been through this that can give me pointers and exercises needed to strengthen this NEW joint?
What measures can I put in place to assure that I will continue to move forward in this NEW walk and not go back to the OLD?
What tools do I need to move forward? (Think crutches, walkers, canes…things we may need to have IN our hands as we move forward in a new way)
Gosh. So many more questions we could ask. I didn’t even realize, when I started writing you this morning, how awesome this analogy of my hip replacement is…not only on the front end of discovery, but on seeing how the back end of restoration happens! Let’s keep watching and SEE what God will say to us through this! He uses ALL THINGS for good. I’m excited to learn!
Have a great, great weekend! Take some time to be still, grab a journal, and ponder. If we keep moving 90 to nothing, we will never discover the roots and we learn to live with the pain by over compensating,
but one day…it will simply be too much. May that day be sooner rather than later for all of us.