People say “FOLLOW YOUR HEART” all the time...but most of our hearts are wounded and can be deceitful so should we REALLY follow our hearts!??
There are so many times in my younger days that I DID follow my heart. Some turned out well...some, not so much. AND...there are times I can look back on and IF I had followed my heart...I would have landed in a hot mess of a life.
Here’s the thing with lovely little sayings we’ve always heard and have been taught forever...they sound GOOD. They sound RIGHT. They sound like what we WANT to hear. That’s the deal with counterfeit. It looks like the REAL THING.
The world says so much that we MUST hold up to TRUTH.
We cannot always follow our hearts. We cannot always trust our hearts. We CAN TRUST the One who speaks TO our hearts. But listening to Him can often mean saying NO to things that look good and feel good. Following HIM can often mean walking down paths that don’t “feel” like what we want. But, when we TRUST Him, it ALWAYS ends up BETTER THAN.
Be careful of worldly quips and quotes.
Love you.
I couldn't figure out how to respond here at first, so I commented on the Facebook one...
But I have more to say, lol!
Brene Brown's book Atlas of the Heart has been a super interesting read for me this spring. She uses the phrase "near enemy" to describe an emotion or response that seems good and looks almost the same as the right one, but is actually undermining the true good response.
It struck me as I read that what my daddy told me was true... He used to say, "Just because it walks like a duck and talks like a duck, doesn't mean it's a duck!"
We have to look to Him for the standard, not look inside ourselves. ALL of the "good" responses that Brene talks about are manifestations of the gifts of the Spirit! She does not couch her stuff in religious language, but that is what it is!
That's all,
Grace in Africa
Thank you for the fabulous sharing! “A near enemy” … it’s so true. He hides right u der our nose as an almost truth. I have this book…looking forward to cracking it open soon!