Back in Hebrews 4 this morning. It’s all about the faith-rest life…you know…the PLACE + POSTURE we’re called to live from. The promise that remains.
Doubt is the BARRIER to enter into this realm. It is, indeed a realm we can reside in.
REALM: kingdom, sphere, domain, province, field.
FIELD. Hmm…that made me think of Psalm 23.
God is my best friend AND my shepherd. I always have more than enough. He offers a RESTING PLACE for me in his luxurious LOVE. His tracks take me to an oasis of peace near the quiet brook of bliss! That’s where he RESTORES and REVIVES my life.
Y’all. That’s soooo good. Don’t you see it!?! Rest is a REALM and a place we live FROM when the Lord really, truly is our best friend and our Shepherd. The realm of REST and lying down in green fields is where HE does the work to revive and restore us!
Oh wait…you’ve been trying to do that on your own? Been reading all the books on burnout and searching for SELF? Nope…you’re not gonna find it there.
TRUE rest comes from TRUE abiding + TRUE trusting in the One who is the King over the Kingdom of REST.
It’s a mark that you LIVE and breathe and belong and are a citizen there.
LOVE This!