Right Focus.
MORNING THOUGHTS ☕️: Do you ever just wake up and recognize…I mean REALLY recognize the gift your life is? I do. It may not happen often enough…but it happened for me this morning. And…as I began to journal all of my gratitude and give thanks, the feelings only INCREASED.
This is a clue.
I woke up and focused on what IS and gave tremendous thanks for all of it. I wrote out all that I’m grateful for…the list is long…and a wave of settled-ness, contentment, for sure, peace…washed over me.
Oh listen, I’ve had mornings where I’ve woken up looking at what is not, what may be “missing” or what I wish I had more or less of. First focus on those things brings a wave of restlessness, striving, and for sure, discontent.
So. We can start our day either way. Nothing changes except our focus and I’m pretty sure how we choose to START our day affects the rest.