MORNING THOUGHTS ☕️: I grabbed my cup of coffee and morning time is SACRED. Do NOT mess with it. Then I thought...hmmm, my evening time is sacred. Don’t mess with it either. Oh, and my barn time is sacred. I’m not available around 5-6. But then, my cooking dinner time for my family is sacred...which led me to the thought that really, at the end of the day...ALL TIME IS SACRED. We need to treat it as such. Guard it. Steward it. Be vigilant about it. Put boundaries around it. Have NON-NEGOTIABLEs around blocks of it.
Wow. I just looked up the word “sacred” and the definition says : CONNECTED TO GOD.
So...if ALL time is sacred, ALL time is connected to GOD. Duh. He may not operate IN time like we do, but He created it (For in Him ALL things were created. Col 1:16)
For sooooo many years, I allowed other people and other things to dictate my time. I’d be there, do the call, show up, and I’d sacrifice the MOST important things for the things I THOUGHT were expected of me.
Gosh. What a waste. Never again.
Sacred. Connected to God.
P.S. this is also beautiful because it means even folding laundry time is sacred. The time we have been given is a GIFT. We have to start REALLY seeing it as such.
”So whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.“
1 Corinthians 10:31 NLT
To God be all glory!
Good word E!! 🙌 Thanks for sharing.