MORNING THOUGHTS ☕️: I was going to write about something else…but then, this memory popped into my feed.
8 years ago today. The picture sent to me from a girlfriend who was in Kenya. “Twins” had just been dropped off at the school and they would need a sponsor.
I was driving in my car, took a peek down and literally had to pull over because of crying. I didn’t understand what was happening. I mean, we had sponsored children before but this...THIS was way different.
The presence of the Lord filled my car and He began to whisper plans HE had for these two...plans for a hope and a future and plans that we could NEVER in a million years make come to pass in our own strength.
But God.
How can we even understand His ways? How can we even begin to fathom what He has in store for those He loves. And here’s a clue. It looks WAY different than anything we have planned. In order to access it, we must let go, die to self, walk in obedience and trust that HE uses and will work ALL things out for good. We must relinquish control over our futures and simply say YES..even if it’s a slight Him. What He will do with that whisper will always blow us away and be more than we could think or imagine.
Wow, how they have grown, doesn’t seem possible…