Happy Friday! Well, I wrote this thought in 2017. I felt it was worth sharing again. Besides, I clearly have nothing in my noggin this week…sometimes, that’s just how it is:) Have a great weekend everyone!
Self. We are bombarded by it. I saw a post this morning that is triggering mine. I remembered years ago the Lord saying to me "SHELF SELF" and also the scripture that's been on my mind this week about in order to FIND your life you have to LOSE it.
Self does not want to allow that.
See...you can't be focused on SELF and other-focused at the same time. The world wants to tell us to look out for self...go for self-mastery...self-preservation...self-awareness...self-promotion...take a selfie:) but it's such a lie as far as a pathway to peace and joy and LIFE.
The more I LOSE myself...stop focusing on self...put others first...the more peace and contentment I find. So many "spirituality" teachings out there are all about self...this should be a clue. Self-focus is NOT your key. "What do I WANT?" "What do I NEED?" "What is MY purpose?" "What am I CALLED to?"
Big questions. But better questions are: "what is the LORD doing that I can come alongside?" "Who can I serve?" "Whose dream can I speak into?”
I don't know...some of you may disagree with me tremendously...I'm just sharing that in MY experience...a girl who, from a young age began practicing self-preservation...it's taken years to shelf self but the more I shelf it the better off and more lovely life gets.
No more naval gazing