Whenever Keith grabs my readers to borrow them…he always says that he doesn’t know how I see out of them they are so dirty and smudged.
Yesterday, I found some fancy dancy eye-glass cleaner and used it. When I put my readers back on I was like “whoa…it really DOES make a difference…I can SEE so much better!”
That made me wonder. How many of us are walking around with lenses like this? Maybe they’ve been that way for so long, we’ve grown accustomed to them. Maybe we’ve become used to “seeing” things filtered through the scratches and smudges.
I, for one, am going to be asking the Lord to show me any smudges on my lenses that are keeping me from seeing with 100% clarity.
Whose fingerprints are on my lenses that aren’t GOD’S fingerprints?
What scratches (wounds, traumas, unforgiveness, offense, etc…) are hindering or distorting my view?
What smudges need to be wiped clean so that I can move forward with better clarity and clearness?
How about you? Do you think your lenses may have a few smudges on them as well?
Love to you on this Friday! Have a great weekend!
Now that speaks enlightenment
Me too! So many daily messages around us!