Spiritual Direction

Spiritual Direction? What in the heck is that? There are so many terms out there now: mentoring, coaching, discipling…all three of which I have done. But, as I have read and learned more about spiritual direction, I’ve realized it’s EXACTLY where my heart is and what I long to offer those who are seeking it.

My phone rang no less than 4 times last week. Each time, there was a woman on the other line who used language like …”I’m just looking for some direction.” Or. “I just need to talk to someone who is further down the spiritual path than I am.” Or. “I’m trying to learn how to live and work from rest and need to talk to someone who’s doing the same.”

We really are MADE for community and communication. Sharing and sharpening. Walking alongside each other. Turning around and waving our arms to those who are behind us and shouting “THIS WAY!”

I’ve always believed that when we share our journeys and what we’ve learned along the way, others can go further, faster, on theirs.

Women used to sit in quilt circles and talk and share life. Mamas and daughters would cook together and talk about all the things. Small, rural churches were more family driven than program driven. Dinners happened around the table and porch sitting was the norm. In other words, discipleship and spiritual direction happened naturally.

Now, the world is moving fast and furious. People are too busy for much more than maintaining status quo. Dallas Willard once called hurry “the great enemy of the spiritual life.” And, as one who was always in that mode, I’d have to say that I agree.

My world of hurry and hustle came to an abrupt end in May of 2008, after a three day encounter with the Lord. Everything that WAS prior to those three days, all of a sudden was NOT. I no longer longed for the things of this world in the way that I had before. I didn’t know exactly what had just happened, but I also knew I could not go back to the way things were. You can read about the STORY HERE.

Since then, I’ve learned to BE still over busy. I’ve learned that a long to-do list isn’t something to be proud of or impressed by. I’ve learned that the world is going to keep moving and going and spinning whether I choose to engage in it or not. I’ve gone through the long PROCESS of un-becoming who I thought I was so I could become who I really was all along.

I began to lie down in green pastures. I surrendered. I yielded my life to HIS. I honored the process. I did the work. I developed a rhythm of life WITH Him 24/7 instead of my living MY life and inviting him in every now and then.

So. As we can see, spiritual formation is a practice. A process. A choice. A lifestyle. We must say NO to a million other things in order to say YES to the main things. I love this quote from Ronald Rolheiser: “Every choice is a thousand renunciations.”

Now, let me get back to what Spiritual Direction IS and who it is FOR.

Here is one definition:

A Spiritual Director is a guide who can reflect back to us God’s presence in our life and in the world…awakening new possibilities, connections, and deeper meanings.

Father Richard Rohr says “if you do not have someone to guide you, to hold onto you during the times of not knowing, you will normally stay at your present level of growth.”

My heart, through spiritual direction, is to come alongside YOU in your spiritual walk. To make space for you to hear the Holy Spirit and grow closer to Jesus. To help you go deeper, ask the right questions, and instill the practice of listening and hearing…not from me, but from God. THIS is the practice that will sustain you.

Spiritual Direction may be for you if:

  1. You want to deepen your relationship with God.

  2. You’re going through something and need clarity from the Lord.

  3. You need to hear HIS voice on a matter and no one else’s.

  4. You feel at the end of you. You’re done with going your own way. (holla!)

  5. You KNOW that you know that there has to be more.

  6. You realize you’ve been operating out of your own strength and now, you’re tired, weary and burned out.

  7. You’re a strong woman who has prided yourself on being able to do it all. Except now, you realize you really can’t. (this is the best day ever…I promise!)

  8. You feel like you’re entering a new season or are in transition and you need a safe space to seek the Lord and hear from Him what may or may not be next.

  9. You’ve been hurt by religiosity, so you threw the baby out with the bathwater, but you’re realizing something is missing and it’s most likely Jesus.

  10. You’re a leader of leaders but you’re striving and operating out of your own strength and you need to learn to live and work from rest. (this is my sweet spot!)

I could go on…but you get the point. By the way, I could have checked the YES box next to all ten of those statements. Yup.

They say the person you are most equipped to help is the person you used to be.

One of my very favorite scriptures is Matthew 11:28:

Are you tired, worn out, burned out on religion? Come to me. Get way with me and you’ll recover your life. I’ll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with me and work with me…watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won’t lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with me and you’ll learn to live freely and lightly. (The Message)

Is there anything more beautiful than that? I was that girl. I’ve walked this out. I’ve learned those unforced rhythms of grace. I am now living freely and lightly and I want that for you, too.

In John 1, Jesus said to a few disciples: “Come and see…”

I invite you to do the same.

Here is my calendar link if you want to schedule a quick convo to see if this is what you’re looking for and if we’re a good fit! I’m so looking forward to connecting.
