Stand + Speak.
My pondering on the porch this morning, along with a lovely conversation with a girlfriend that stopped by is this:
How do we stand and speak out in this hour without getting too political or too divisive? Is the atmosphere so ripe with offense and division and animosity and hatred that it’s caused many of us to remain silent when we should, in fact, be speaking up? What’s our posture as America’s future literally hangs in the balances?
Listen. My “opinion” doesn’t matter. God’s opinion does. God determines the fate of this nation, not man.
We are called to partner with Him. Prayer is our first posture. We must pray like never before. Not our will, but His. And then, we must ask him how to partner with Him. Speak out? (Sometimes) Share truth? (Always!) Stand firm. (For sure)
Delusion and division are at an all time high. Many simply CANNOT see. Even more are believing the rhetoric and theater our media has orchestrated. Go up higher and ask the Lord to show you TRUTH and stop relying on the many with an agenda to tell you spin and even more often, flat out lies.
Ask God to turn UP your discernment. Ask Him for wisdom. Ask him how to pray and what to do. Stop being swayed by friends, media, false narratives and people’s pasts. It’s time to look square in the face of future. Our children’s future. Our grandchildren’s future. We are at a crossroad. We can go left or we can go right. It’s that clear.
I’m remembering the dream I had in September before Biden took office. It was CLEAR that he’d win the election (fraudulently) and that it had to happen so that everything that needed to be exposed would be exposed. That’s been my prayer. EXPOSURE. LIGHT. TRUTH.
It will continue to be my prayer as I believe there’s more that needs to be laid bare.
This is a nation that belongs to you and to me. If we’re tired of puppeteering and posturing, then we must get to praying and calling things as they are.
TRUTH is what sets us free again.