The field.
Years ago, the Lord told me to keep my eyes on the field. I knew what he meant. I had been part of this field…the field where women are working and building. I had worked hard in it and given much of myself to it. Sooo much of my identity was tied to the field. Working. Moving on up. Pouring into others. And…even though I have not built IN the field for yearsss…my eyes have stayed on it. I watch. I pray for the women. I’m here for them when they need me. My heart is for them.
There are a ton of changes happening on the daily. We are for sure in the “everything that can be shaken, will be shaken” era.
Don’t shake. God’s got you. He’s removing things built “in our own strength” so that we can see things that are built in His. He’s removing idols of all kinds…especially the idol of self-reliance…so that we can become fully reliant on Him. He’s after hearts.
Don’t be so quick to “fill the space” that he may want you to simply sit in for a while and be with Him. Let the dust settle. Let your heart heal. Don’t let fear creep in. FOMO (fear of missing out) will always have you making rash decisions. Wait and hear what he has for YOU. It may be way different than you think.