Here’s the “issue” with the ministry of the inner circle.
It’s private. Hidden. No applause. No platform. No big accolades. You can’t earn money off of it. You don’t get famous. It’s messy. It’s LEGIT iron sharpening iron. It’s time consuming. It requires you to show up, be real, be vulnerable, become known. It’s face to face. Belly to belly. Heart to heart. It confronts us. It requires dying to self. It takes a large investment of all our resources.
Sometimes, it’s easier, simpler, and for sure more popular, to creatively avoid going deep with a few by going wide with many.
I get it. I did it.
Until I couldn’t anymore.
And then, I realized. The small IS the big. Loving those in my midst IS the thing. Going deep with those God has gifted me with IS the gift.
So much life happens in the small inner circle. Don’t miss it by going after the big.
❤️ I can’t wait to see you!
You are SO WELCOME. Just sharing the lessons I’ve learned! 😘