“Don’t be afraid or intimidated by others, for God WILL bring everything out into the open and every secret will be told. Don’t be in fear of those who can kill ONLY the body but NOT your soul.” - Matthew 10:26-28 TPT
Anyone ever been intimidated? Shew. I have. Intimidation tries to come across bigger than life..or at least, bigger than you. It tries to stand tall with a magnifying mirror to highlight your small. Intimidation tries to get you to shrink back in fear.
Did you notice the second part of that sentence!?! The part right after DON’T be intimidated?!? It says for GOD will bring everything out into the open and every secret will be told.
It’s not OUR JOB to battle and expose what’s’s God’s. Our job is to stand in the face of it and not be afraid. We need to remember that HE who is in us is way bigger than the intimidator standing before us.
I feel like this is exactly the same message I just posted on my Substack this morning, just a slightly different take. The Lord is speaking! We aren’t grasshoppers - don’t be intimidated! Yes, sir! 🫡 💕