The Ministry of the Inner Circle | Part 3 (really 4:)
Morning Sunshines! I wanted to share a final thought on what I’ve been writing on this week.
These posts were not ….
church/no church
minister to one/minister to many
Not. At. All.
I do believe those can be both/and.
These posts were written from a deep awareness, sadness, and understanding that when there’s a break down of the inner circle, there’s a breakdown everywhere else.
I wrote them from a deep awareness, sadness, and understanding that if more people (in the past) AND (in the present) would shift their main focus from the many to the few…the ripple effect would have a profound effect on the many.
I wrote them from a deep awareness, sadness, and understanding that I had it backwards in the past. That in my quest to have it all, I sacrificed the most important thing. Time with my inner circle.
That if I, and countless others, would have realized that the most powerful and profound thing we could do to honor God, love our people, and create a ripple effect of change on this planet, simply started by being radically available to the ones RIGHT. IN. OUR. MIDST…
the world would be a different place.
That’s all. At least until Monday 😂😂. Love y’all. Have a beautiful weekend and seriously…thanks for hanging out with me in the morning.