(Morning! I had something else to share and then this popped up in my fb memories. I NEEDED the reminder and thought that maybe you would, too.)
MORNING THOUGHTS ☕️: I woke up in the middle of the night hearing this phrase:
“Follow me into the unknown.”
I felt around for my phone in the dark and typed it out so I’d remember it (I’ve learned that even when I THINK I’ll remember something in the morning, I usually don’t).
Interestingly, all day I had been thinking about “the Lord is my Shepherd.” I guess those two go hand in hand.
The LORD knows where he’s going and why...it’s not unknown to HIM….but it’s also not his style OR obligation to spell it out to us. Following someone into the unknown is a lot harder than following someone with a laid out plan. “Hey, IF you’ll follow ME, this is where we are going and what your life will look like.” Nope. It doesn’t work that way. He KNOWS. We TRUST. This is God’s order.
Unknown: not within the range of one’s knowledge, understanding or experience. Strange and unfamiliar. Obscure.
So now I’m thinking “ummmm, Jesus....I’m already knee deep in the unfamiliar and never experienced territory....why’d you wake me up in the middle of the night to ask me to follow you again AND underscore that it’s into the unknown!?! Is something coming that’s MORE unknown than the unknown I’m in now?
Probably so. And guess what!? All that will be required of me to go there is MORE TRUST. I can’t study for, prepare for, or do anything in my own strength to get ready for the unknown except LEAN IN and TRUST MORE. Oh, and choose to still FOLLOW.
(Side note: the first time I heard this…I focused on the “unknown” part…today, re-reading it, I’m realizing all we need to focus on is the FOLLOW ME part. It’s ALL the unknown anyway. We simply fool ourselves to think we can make great plans for our futures).
❤️❤️ “Is something coming that’s MORE unknown than the unknown I’m in now?” Still the same….
Not me sitting here hearing the song “Into the Unknown” from Frozen 2. Not me doing that…