MORNING THOUGHTS ☕️: The Lord is really working on me some more lately. He’s showing me things in a new way EVERY day. I’m learning as I’m living and going along on the journey, that’s for sure.
Last night, as I was watching the soccer game, this is what I heard out of nowhere:
“If I minister to the WHOLE WORLD, but fail to minister to the Lord, my family, and those in my midst…I’ve missed the WHOLE POINT completely.”
Every day, I’m seeing that TRUE ministry means laying my life down and serving the ones in my midst. I think he’s way more concerned with the perceived “smaller” acts than the “larger” ones. I could be wrong, but scripture seems to back it up:)
Matthew 25:40 “Whatever you do for the least of these, you’ve done to me.”
Here’s a small example: If my mother-in-law needs to go to the grocery store or needs help, but I am too busy “building a ministry”, then, I’ve missed the whole point.
She’s a widow. She’s in need. She’s family. Taking her to the grocery store is as much an act of worship and “ministry” as is preaching to thousands. Oh, now, I’m NOT knocking “big”. I’m simply saying let’s not overlook “small.”
James 1: 27: “ True spirituality, that is pure in the eyes of our Father God, is to make a difference in the lives of orphans and widows in their troubles, and to REFUSE to be corrupted by the world’s values.”
Oh gosh, I could expand on last that point.
I think I will. The world values busy. Production. Output. The world values what it can SEE as valuable. It drives us to perform and gets us caught up in “doing” what IT (the world) states to be the MOST valuable.
But it’s backwards. What’s of most value, is ministering/serving/loving the Lord, my family, and those in my midst who have need.
We must keep it in ORDER, that’s all.
How many little opportunities do I walk right by in the course of my day 🤔
As one who has been on the receiving end of “serving the ones in my midst” I can say you have taught me more about love then I’ve known before. ❤️❤️