Hey all! Well…this dream popped up in my memories yesterday. I had totally forgotten about it. I’m so glad I saw it to REMIND me, and maybe you:). Kind of goes along with yesterday:)
Here’s the dream:
The Lord came to me and took me on a journey. It was almost as if we were on a board game, but in 3D. The board game was LOADED with things, groups of people, opportunities everywhere. He took me with Him as we almost floated along between all of the happenings on the board. Soooo many good and great things. I’d find myself easily distracted and looking. The Lord said “Look at ME.” And then he put THREE red heart tokens in the palm of my hands. “You have THREE.” I knew he meant there were only three things I could INVEST my heart in. Only three things I am to give my all to. As I looked at the three tokens in my hands, I had such an awareness of how INTENTIONAL I must be with my heart and my time. I realized that I (and probably most of us) do NOT have the capacity to participate in as many things as I have possibly believed in the past. That as I move forward, I must KNOW that I know before I put my “heart” there.
I think the world has had us fooled. Especially women. Messages of doing it all. Having it all. Bringing home the bacon AND frying it up in a pan. We truly do NOT have the capacity to do all we’ve been fooled into thinking we are to do. The ripple effects of being spread too thin are far and wide.
As for me, I KNOW I am walking a tightrope of awareness that IF I want to live and breathe and operate out of REST and PEACE...then I must realize I do not have as many heart tokens as I once believed.