We survived another 4th.
Yet, some didn’t.
They got up yesterday, just like you and I, had their coffee, got dressed, and went to a parade. They were probably already thinking about the hamburgers and hot dogs they were going to have afterwards at the cookout.
Except, there wasn’t an afterwards.
Sorry to start off our day with this good news.
But this one is on my mind so often…not in a fear-based way, but in a sobering, stay aware way.
We. Are. Not. Promised. Tomorrow.
Period. End of story.
We have today. We are to live moment by moment. None of us know the day, the hour, the minute our time on earth is done.
Will we fill today with trivial things that don’t matter? Will we work 15 hours to make up for the three day weekend? Will we be grumpy and spend time and energy focusing on the negative?
OR, will we get up, get moving, get focused on what’s right in front of us and what matters most.
Today matters. Yesterday, some people thought they’d have it and now they don’t.
Sobering thoughts