MORNING THOUGHTS ☕️: This year, Keith + I are getting up early every morning to read through the chronological Bible together. We’ve done pretty good so far…only having to catch up on a few days:).
This morning, we read about Esau giving up his birthright for a bowl of stew. You can read it in Genesis 25: 27-34. When you read this, you’re like “Really Esau?! Really? You’re really going to do that?!? Dumb.”
But this line: (paraphrased, clearly:)
“Look, I’m hungry! What good is my inheritance? I want what’s right in front of me (bowl of stew) now!” - Esau
There it is.
The rub.
The “I want it now” issue.
We could substitute “look, I’m hungry” or “look, I’m bored!” or “look I’m frustrated” or “look, I’m not happy” or “look, I’m impatient.”
Just fill in the blanks.
When we trade the immediate for the long term we’re ALWAYS going to get the short end of the stick. It’s NEVER worth it.
In the past, I’ve been willing to …but I’ve seen how that turns out.
I’m not willing anymore.
Exactly!! It’s become the norm and waiting on the BEST…a rarity.
Yes, THIS!