purpose. calling. VEHICLE.
VEHICLE: any means by which someone is carried or conveyed. To take from one place to another.
Here’s the rub. Here’s the place we get messed up. We’ve been taught to BELIEVE that our vehicle is our purpose or calling. That what we DO has anything to do with who we ARE. That somehow…our career, title, or lack thereof, defines our IDENTITY.
This is where I was in 2008. A believer, in the field, who had taken on what I DID (my vehicle) as my identity. This is the pace where the Lord came CRASHING IN and pulled me out of the world so I could get re-calibrated back to TRUTH.
TRUTH: your vehicle is simply that. It’s what takes you into the world. It’s what can be used mightily to reach people and love people. BUT…when we learn to not attach who we are to what we do…and we learn that our purpose is relationship…then identity crisis cannot come when the vehicle changes. It won’t matter if the vehicle is a VW BUG or a charter BUS. It’s NOT who you are. It’s what God has you IN to GO OUT into the world to SERVE and LOVE.
I’ll expand more tomorrow on VEHICLE, but, for today, when you go out…try to detach your identity from what you’re doing to who you’re doing it with (God). See if it makes a shift.
📸 This is my beautiful friend Meg Jones in the picture! I love this photo so much.