Morning Sunshines! How in the world is it December 1st?! Unreal. But, here we are. At the precipice of the month the world tells us to speed up in, get more done in, run around like a chicken with our heads cut off in.
Don’t. Do. It.
This is the month the world says to spend more. Don’t do it.
This is the month the world says to bust a move in your business, keep hustling and hit those BIG goals by year end. Don’t do it.
This is the month the world says start planing! Decide on your 2023 goals and write them down! Dream big! Make those vision boards! Don’t do it.
What if…
What if we simply tucked in more? What if we simply got more still? What if we were doing and living so opposite of what others are doing and living that it would allow us to be extremely present and available. What if we could be more in tune to a hurting world when we’re out and about….the ones to lend a hand, give a hug, offer a kind word?
Look. We have a choice. Run with the pack or become separate. It can feel so CONTRARY in the beginning…NOT doing what the masses do. I get it. I know. It takes time and practice to stand still when others are moving.
Slowly but surely, you’ll begin to see that your daily choices…heck, your moment by moment choices…add up. And soon, you’ll start seeing things differently and from a new angle because you’re not drowning in the crowded spaces.
Today is a good day to start. Choose to stand still and be calm while others scurry past. You’ll learn to love it.
Love you.
So. Very. True!! Merry Christmas!
Ahhhh true. Never thought of it that way. But…end of year running around gives me the heebie jeebies.