MORNING THOUGHTS ☕️: For we are His WORKMANSHIP (Strongs #4161 Poiema…that which is manufactured or produced. A design made by an artisan. We are God’s poem. HIS work of art), created IN Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them. -Eph 2:10
Dang that’s good. And loaded.
You and I were crafted, designed, created as a piece of art with a PURPOSE that was deposited beforehand…before we were even born. Which makes going our own way and never stopping long enough to simply BE with the creator of us to inquire of the good works he designed us for crazy town.
He knows.
It’s not random. It’s not happenstance. It’s purposeful. And hanging out with the world and looking THERE to discover it is futile. You won’t find it on your phone, in your feed, talking to friends or getting advice from others. You’ll discover it by going to the one who created you in the first place.
“Hey God, you created me! Designed me! Fashioned me in the secret place! You know everything about me. Inside and out. You know my past. You know my future. You know why I’m on earth…you know all my days…they are numbered in your book. Teach me. Show me. Direct my path. Guide me to the good works you prepared for me beforehand. Let’s go together…hand in hand. I don’t want to put my hands to anything else but that which YOU have for me.”
The end.