WRITE. The only word I heard for myself for 2025. And yet, here I am, almost at the end of month one and I have NOT been able to write. I’ve admittedly been in a funk. A range of emotions. But I’ve settled on grief and realize I’ve been in it for a while. I’ve been grieving some things in our personal life. I’ve been grieving some things in our community life. I’ve been grieving some things I’m watching in the body of Christ. I’ve been grieving some things I’m observing on the world front. That’s a lot. I know what to do. Get my eyes OFF of the world and back on Jesus. But just because we know what to do doesn’t mean we do it or do it quickly enough. Sometimes, we have to simply sit with our emotions and process. We have to press in and discern what we need to walk through and what we need to let go of. What’s ours and what’s not. What’s real and what’s exaggerated. Where are we called to action and where are we called to intercession. And so. I’m being STILL. Which doesn’t always look like you’re doing anything, but, I’ve found that it’s usually the posture I need to stay in when the world is swirling around me. I can stay IN the swirl, or I can try to pull out of it and get still with the One who has all the answers and knows all the things and loves me in the middle of it.