Actually no, you can’t.
This is a lie.
Perpetuated by a “go after whatever it is that makes YOU happy” message.
We simply cannot have it all.
Believe me. I tried.
I wrote about it and talked about it…having my proverbial “cake and eating it, too.”
Except. Sometimes. We aren’t in a cake season. So. Trying to eat cake is dumb:).
You know what I mean?
The world has tried to tell us we can have it ALL in any/every season.
You’ve heard the drill. Just balance it better. Turn off the tv. Tell your kids you’re busy and that’s is so they can have more (yeah…see how that one goes). Learn to block off your time better.
Except that when it’s all ON your plate…no matter how many times you move that food around, rearrange it and shuffle it…it’s still all there. And where, oh where do you think you’re gonna put that big ole slice of cake?
Now. You’re overloaded. Plain and simple.
Don’t do it.
Don’t buy the lie.
Clear the plate.
Choose well.
Lie… truth. Interesting