MORNING THOUGHTS ☕️: I had a dream at the end of 2021. Did you know God speaks through dreams? this dream I was sitting at a table in a coffee shop counseling/coaching a girl. I looked down at my watch and realized I was late for school. I had to go and stand in line at the principal’s office for a tardy slip. When I got to class, I was so behind and didn’t even have the manual I was supposed to be studying. I went to the library to check out the manuals. I KNEW I had to take everything off my plate so that I could STUDY or I was going to fail the exams in the spring.
I’m sharing this for several reasons:
A. Accountability.
B. I believe the Lord is showing us a theme.
C. We are in a season of preparing and studying to show ourselves approved.
Keith and I laughed the other day KNOWING how crazy people must think we are to follow dreams and directives we feel we receive. We’ve made major life decisions this way. But here’s the deal. When you’re listening to God’s language and not the world’s...a directive dream is like reading the headline news or it’s like a handwritten note to your heart.
Oh gosh...I have soooo much to say about all of this. But for now, if you need me, I’ll be studying.
What needs to come off of your plate so you can FOCUS and be targeted and doing what needs to be done or what is being asked of YOU in this season?