Yes! We need to love others like Jesus loves them in-spite of their flaws and unloving nature. We should feel compassion for them as they know not what they are doing that may be hurting others. And yes PRAY for those who curse us. It’s not always easy but this is what God wants us to do. The battle then is HIS! 💕💕
I know. Same. So hard.
Yes! We need to love others like Jesus loves them in-spite of their flaws and unloving nature. We should feel compassion for them as they know not what they are doing that may be hurting others. And yes PRAY for those who curse us. It’s not always easy but this is what God wants us to do. The battle then is HIS! 💕💕
Truth. But man oh man…do we want to battle…especially for our children!
Good thing I wasn’t there or he may have met Jesus sooner then later… just sayin ❤️
I know. So hard!