MORNING THOUGHTS ☕️: Morning loves! For today’s thought…I simply want to share some words from a book I’m reading. When I read these sentences…it kind of blew my mind a little.
The topic is the original “harmonious relationship” with God and the strikingly beautiful Lucifer. He’d been given a throne from which to rule (Isaiah 14:12-14).
Now…this part. Hold on to your coffee:
“He’d been endowed with freedom of choice…and when the test came, he (Lucifer) shifted his gaze to himself and his God-given features of splendor. Dazzled by his OWN greatness, he asserted INDEPENDENCE and presumed himself to be like the Most High.”
Lord have mercy sweet Mary and Joseph. Should we read that again?! Should we insert our own name in there? I will do it for myself.
Elizabeth was given the freedom of choice (self-reliance or God-reliance)…and when the test came…she shifted her GAZE to herself because the whole world KNOWS you’re supposed to focus on self and she really, really shone the light on all the fabulous GOD-GIVEN features she had. I mean, God gave her these features…so surely she should focus on THEM. Elizabeth became so dazzled by herself and all HER greatness that she became super independent…because that, too, was what seemed to be the ultimate achievement in this world. Independence. Marketing her own greatness. Making herself her own god.
Y’all. We gotta stop following what the WORLD sees as good and right and start following what God says is.
THIS is the better option: endowed with the freedom of choice…we choose to keep our gaze resting SOLELY on Him and His glorious features…dazzled by HIS splendor and greatness…we will choose to stay RIGHTLY RELATED…knowing HE is the MOST HIGH GOD and that we have no need and no reason to ever try and usurp that or be proud of our “independence.”
Shew. I’m gonna read that paragraph often.
Love y’all much.
Navel gaze or lift up your head and gaze at the King of Glory.