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Great Word. As of late, it’s an intentional daily awareness to submit to the I AM. Submitting to His will, even when I am being challenged by the lack of integrity and human reasoning on all fronts hasn’t been my default. The favor of our perfect Father isn’t tied to the things of this natural realm, although it can certainly manifest in the here and now. But where I find His favor, is in the imparting of His pure, incorruptible and eternal love when I let go of what I think I am due this side of heaven. It’s a decluttering and purging of the things that only edify my flesh but have no eternal value. I don’t know, maybe it’s my age, or maybe it’s a greater longing in my heart, or both, but I find myself weary of holding on to the meaninglessness of life, and I thank Him for showing me the difference.

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Sometimes God allows circumstances that force this. Since my husband died, I haven’t had a dream or even a plan. I’ve chased a lot of things trying to fill that “hole” but they are all hollow...no substance. Nothing in this world will satisfy. I’m beginning to understand why...🙏🏻💙

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Wow, I could write a book on trying to fill the “hole” just ask Elizabeth! 😀

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Same. Only no one would want to read it. 🥴😂🤦🏼‍♀️

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